$11.40 USD

60 DIFFERENT VIDEOS H4 Pitts21 Pitts21Pro Clear21

🟢 Descubre el Poder de 60 DIFERENTES VIDEOS 

🟢 Discover the Power of 60 DIFFERENT VIDEOS 

         60 VIDEOS

1. Archwire Seating Instrument Usage
2. BioMIM Mini-Twin Bracket
3. Bracket Adhesive
4. Bracket Placement
5. Brenda P21 Promo - Morrish Case
6. Build-Up
7. Cinchback
8. Clear21 Debonding
9. Clear21 Features and Benefits
10. Clear21 Opening
11. Clear21 Rotate
12. Contour
13. Debond
14. Debonding Video
15. Dr. Bedoya Places Pitts21 PRO
16. Dr. Haskins Places Pitts21 PRO
17. Engage Rotation Floss
18. Gum Adjustment
19. Gum Adjustments
20. H4 Consumer Video
21. H4 Consumer Video
22. H4 Door Open Close
23. H4 Intro - Webinar
24. H4 Rotation
25. H4 Self Ligating Bracket
26. H4 Wire Torque
27. H4-Pitts21 Opening Instrument
28. Hugo P21 Promo
29. Interweave Chain
30. Intro to Clear21
31. Intro to Ortho Photography
32. IPR
33. Lingual Bonded Retainer
34. Lip Exercise with Button
35. Measuring Wire Sizes
36. Molar Prep & Bond
37. Opening Door with Wire Cutter
38. P21 Open Close
39. Pitts 21 - Long
40. Pitts 21 Animation
41. Pitts 21 Consumer Video
42. Pitts 21 Debond
43. Pitts 21 Features and Benefits
44. Pitts 21 Intro Webinar
45. Pitts 21 Open & Close II
46. Pitts 21 Rotation
47. Pitts Bracket Bonding
48. Pitts Wire Bending
49. Pitts Wire Bending
50. Pitts21 - Seating Wire Graphics
51. Power Chain
52. Power Chain
53. RBs
54. Reposition Crimp Hook
55. Retention Wire
56. Sara H4 Promo
57. Seating P21 on Incisal Portion of Pad
58. Taking Bracket Off Wire
59. Torquing Power Chain
60. Wire